Ric's Story

My personal journey started in Oxford in 1997 aged 20 when I began learning Kung Fu. It relied a lot on developing physical strength and conditioning to make the body healthy and powerful. One day the teacher said there is another way, a softer way that used special exercises called ‘chi gung’. 

I felt like I was developing secret superpowers. I wasn’t growing muscle but still I was getting much stronger. I tested it one day by going to the gym with my friend who was a 6’3 rugby player, and lifting the same weight with much less effort, I still remember the look on his face!

I feel the exact same way about the tea. There is an intangible quality that it brings to my body and mind. A possible explanation for this was confirmed when our friend Andrew Kempleton muscle tested the teas and found that they were one of the highest energy vibrational quality (ie containing more ‘chi’) than anything else you could consume.